Sonya Rocvil is the principal and founder of Bedrock Real Estate Investors, which specializes in the acquisitions and asset management of multifamily apartments in the United States. She has acquired and operated six multifamily apartments totaling 462 units and has successfully life-cycled four of these apartment deals.

Sonya began her career as an auditor and later transitioned to finance at a Fortune 500 Company. Sonya has been an Adjunct Instructor for the NYU School of Professional Studies and currently serves as Treasurer of the Council of Urban Real Estate. Sonya holds a Master of Business Administration from Baruch College, Zicklin School of Business and a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Rutgers University. She is also a graduate of Project REAP (Real Estate Associate Program).

Sonya is a CPA and licensed real estate agent. She is a best-selling co-author of the book Push Beyond Your Limits. A frequent guest on podcasts and webinars, Sonya lives with her husband and two children in Brooklyn, New York.