Baye Adofo-Wilson
BAW Development, LLC
Baye Adofo-Wilson, Esq. is a commercial real estate developer, lawyer and consultant with 25 plus years of experience in arts and cultural districts, sustainability, affordable and mixed-income housing developments. He has a real estate development and consulting firm, BAW Development, LLC (BAW), where he focuses on developing transformative, sustainable residential and mixed-use projects in urban in New Jersey. He is Of Counsel at Post Polak, PA in Roseland, NJ focusing his legal practice on land use and redevelopment law.
Most recently, BAW Development and RPM Partners are the joint-developers/owners of the recently completed Hinchliffe Stadium Neighborhood Restoration Project (HSNRP) in Paterson, NJ. HSNRP is a $110 million-dollar project which includes: the preservation and restoration of Hinchliffe Stadium--a 7,800-seat, National Historic Landmark which was once the home of the New York Black Yankees, the New York Cubans and the Newark Eagles (Negro League Baseball Teams); seventy-five, senior low-income housing units; the Charles J. Muth Museum of Hinchliffe Stadium, a 4,500 square foot museum dedicated to Negro League Baseball and Hinchliffe Stadium’s history; and a 315 space, four-story parking deck.
BAW Development is also the designed redeveloper of a 120-unit senior affordable housing development in Plainfield, NJ.
Baye Adofo-Wilson was Deputy Mayor/Director of Economic and Housing Development (EHD) for the City of Newark, NJ. While Baye was at EHD’s helm, Newark had unprecedent commercial, residential and industrial real estate development growth. As the Director of EHD, Mr. Adofo-Wilson managed the divisions of housing, property management, real estate finance, economic development, planning, zoning and the office of sustainability.
Mr. Adofo-Wilson was a 2014-2015 Urban Design Critic at Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD) and a member of the 2013-2014 Loeb Fellowship class at the GSD. Before Harvard, Mr. Adofo-Wilson was the Co-Founder/Executive Director of the Lincoln Park/Coast Cultural District, a non-profit organization redeveloping the Lincoln Park neighborhood in the City of Newark.